Become part of our international kindergarten family

in Berlin Charlottenburg and Wilmersdorf

Who we are

MULTI LINGUA stands for international and multilingual day-care centres in Berlin, where children from all over the world can feel at home.

MULTI LINGUA offers high quality day care for children of all cultural backgrounds and religions from the age of one until they start school. Our holistic, multilingual education and care program founded on our own pedagogical concept as well as the Berlin Early Years Curriculum, an intercultural learning environment, a multi-professional pedagogical team, and healthy nutrition provided by our own kitchen, are all hallmarks of our MULTI LINGUA day-care centres.

In our day-care centres, children and their families will find a cosmopolitan and diverse community where they are able to gain a variety of educational experiences and offered a wide range of opportunities for learning.

We care about

Three daycare centres - one concept

What makes us so unique? From the age of one, our children grow up in a multilingual environment where they come in contact with the German, English and Russian languages.

Contemplating whether a multilingual international daycare is the right choice?

With us, there are no language classes. It is proven that children learn language most effectively with the immersion method. This means that all pedagogical staff consistently communicate in their mother tongue. German and English are our main languages. In addition, Russian is partially integrated into everyday life as a supportive language.

In the first years of their lives, children intuitively adjust to this multilingualism through singing, playing, listening and speaking –like taking a “bath” in language! Our goal is for all children to have a strong command of German and English by the time they start school.

All of our daycare centres participate in the federal programSprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist” (“Language Kitas: Because Language is the Key to the World”) of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Welfare and each boasts an additional language specialist who accompanies the children and pedagogical staff in their daily educational routine.

Does that sound good to you? By the way, the quality of our pedagogical work is reviewed internally annually and externally every 5 years by an institute for quality development on behalf of the Berlin Senate. In November 2017, our daycare centre in Nordhauser Str. was certified by Quecc with 5 stars in a thorough testing process.

Our locations

Which kindergarten suits you best?

Find out here what makes each of our Kita locations so unique.

Our multi professional team

Looking for a new job as an educator?
But not just anywhere? Not with just anyone?

Then we should get to know each other!

Our parents in the Parents’ Association

How is our multilingual concept possible? It is not only the children and our excellent pedagogical team that make us so unique. The parents also play a major role in ensuring that our children can learn under the best possible conditions.

For this reason, our parent community founded a non-profit organisation many years ago, which supports our unique multilingual concept.

The Parents’ Association finances:

  • additional positions for multilingual education in English or Russian, for example in the form of native speakers;

  • additional high-quality educational materials and books in English, Russian and German;

  • special events for the whole MULTI LINGUA family.

Our families have consciously chosen the multilingual concept based on the immersion principle when they enrolled in our daycare centre. Thanks to the commitment of our parents, we are able to offer this unique multilingual concept to our children.

Our native speakers usually have a degree in education or a professional qualification relevant to the teaching profession. Their diverse qualifications, for example in the fields of music or art, make them a valuable asset to our colourful MULTI LINGUA family.